Sunday, July 20, 2008

john kanzius

Sunday Talking Heads: July 20, 2008

John Kanzius of Sanibel Island,  John Kanzius said of the device, Mahatma Gandhi Might I suggest the inspiration of Gandhi this week?  CSPAN's Afterwords interview features Gandhi's grandson, Rajmohan Gandhi,  and his book "Gandhi: The Man, His People, and the Empire" Washington Journal:  7:30 am -  Frederick Kagan, American Enterprise Institute, Resident Scholar [lol!] -- July 16 WSJ Op-ed  "It is time for Americans to recognize it's a whole new ballgame in Iraq. The civil war is over, American troops are not an 'irritant' fueling the unrest, and far f read
On '60 Minutes' Tonight (July20)
John KanziusJohn Kanzius at Work(From CBSNews) Sunday, July 20, 2008 SEARCHING FOR JACOB - Jacob fled his village in Darfur to escape mass murder, leaving his family and schoolbooks behind. Scott Pelley puts a face on the horrible genocide in Sudan when he tracks down Jacob to return his books. Shawn Efran is the producer. THE KANZIUS MACHINE - Leukemia patient John Kanzius wants to see the promising machine he invented that kills cancer cells go into clinical trials and maybe help other people beat a disease he probably won read
John Kanzius John Kanzius, an inventor from 『Kanzius RF』療法では、微細なナノ粒子をガン細胞に付着させ、人体に害を与えない電波(ラジオ波)を使って体内の腫瘍を「加熱調理」するというものだ。 [ナノ粒子を使わないRF(ラジオ波)療法やマイクロ波療法は、日本を含む世界各地で行なわれている。岡山大学のサイトによると、480kHzのラジオ波電流を発生する針を腫瘍のなかに挿入し、電流を流して腫瘍を加熱するというもの。『Kanzius RF』療法がナノ粒子を利用する理由は、ナノ粒子を使わないRF療法が一部のガンにしか使えないことや、ガン細胞の破壊が完全でない場合がある、などだという。] 『Kanzius RF』療法は、かつてラジオ局やテレビ局で技師として働き、今は退職してペンシルベニアに住む発明家のJohn Kanzius氏が開発した技術を基にしている。周囲の健康な細胞には害を与えず、ガン細胞だけを完全に死滅させる効果があることがわかったという。 この技術は現在、ヒューストンにあるテキサス大学M. D. Andersonガンセンターで試験が行なわれている・・・ Kanzius RF療法は、金または炭素のナノ read
Roar on the Shore Bike Rally 2008
John Kanzius, from Erie, John Kanzius might have discovered a What do Peter Fonda, downtown Erie, and bikers have in common? They all will converge together this Thursday, July 17, for the annual Roar on the Shore Bike Rally, and ending this Sunday, July 20th. Despite being the second year the event will be held, organizers expect double the attendance from last year--from 10,000 to an expected 20,000 visitors. What is unique about Roar on the Shore is that proceeds benefit a local charity. Last year the event raised more than $52,000 for the John Kanzius read
Is salt water the next best fuel?
How did John Kanzius stumble on his John Kanzius: RF-Induced I've been watching this story with great interest for the past year or so. An inventor named John Kanzius has found a way to burn common salt water using nothing more than radio waves. He found this by accident, while he was trying to find a cure for cancer. By exposing common salt water to radio frequencies in the range of 13.56 MHz, he could effectively separate the hydrogen from water. All that was left was to light a match. While this is not a 'free energy' gimmick, this does make the ide... read

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