Tuesday, July 15, 2008

american spectator

Hiding from the truth

American Spectator in Decembers American Spectator From Michigan comes J B Williams, who says in part: Obama’s useful idiot minions [1] on college campuses across America may have no clue what types of change Obama has in store for America. But every Marxist, Socialist and Communist around the globe, knows all too well…  “We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people!”  This is a very common statement among the many anti-American Americans currently marching in the Obamamania Revolution to force change in America. But read
GLS: Games Create 'Passion Communities' For Learning
Front page of American SpectatorSee also The American Spectator [Michael Abbott of The Brainy Gamer was kind enough to cover the fascinating Games, Learning and Society Conference for us - we'll be posting daily bonus GSW write-ups from his explorations at the conf, starting with this one!] Professor James Gee kicked off the 4th Games, Learning, and Society Conference in Madison, Wisconsin with a talk entitled “Beyond Games & the Future of Learning”, citing titles from Portal to World Of Warcraft to explain why games are uniquely suited to create 'passion read
Sports and National Pride
 us to go the American Spectator  from what the American spectator Europeans love their football (i.e., American soccer) teams. The lasting effects of an international victory on the collective spirit were evident last week when I spent a few days roaming the streets of bubbly Barcelona. A German friend who was showing me around the Catalan city described the link between spectator sports and national spirit as even more significant for the new Germany. For obvious reasons, for many years displays of national pride “Nationalstolz” associated with the Nazi reg read
Mountain Monday: 300 Bloggers and a Swarm of Angry New Yorkers
AMERICAN SPECTATOR DINNER American Spectator It doesn't always occur to us that our electricity comes from somewhere. But for many people on the east coast, every time we flip on a light switch, we are connected to the blowing up of the oldest mountains in the world - the Appalachian Mountains - where coal is being extracted using a barbaric form of coal-mining called mountaintop removal. This weekend, not only did the iLoveMountains.org Bloggers Challenge hit 300 participants (woah!), but I witnessed several incredible citizens who rea read
American SpectatorAMERICAN SPECTATORLeaders of several underdeveloped African nations came to the Group of Eight summit in Japan last week and requested more financial aid from G8 countries, says Erin Wildermuth, a Koch Journalism Fellow at the American Spectator. Thus far, only $3.9 billion of the promised $26.1 billion in aid to Africa has been dispersed, according to a report put together by the nonprofit ONE campaign. But when countries receive more aid, the effectiveness of this money is heavily disputed, says Wildermuth: Si read

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