Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daylight savings - news and pictures


Daylight saving is a waste of time
I dislike Daylight Savings Time, but it makes for easy graphics. (This is how Daylight Savings Time looks to me. ) The only thing I hate more than daylight saving time is people who try to defend daylight saving time. ... read more

Daylight Savings Time safety tips
Daylight Savings Time ends this Sunday morning at 2 AM that's when you need to set your clock back one hour. The US Fire Administration is using the occasion to encourage you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. ... read more

Andy Rooney Dead at 92, Daylight Savings Time 2011, and Phillies sign Jim Thome
Daylight Savings Time ends tonight when we turn our clocks back at 2:00 AM Sunday morning. Just what is the point of Daylight Savings Time? It was created to reduce the usage of incandescent lighting at night, but research suggest that the savings may ... read more


Daylight saving time
About Daylight Saving Time
Day Light Savings Time End
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight saving time (DST) is
Daylight Savings Time Kills
Daylight savings sleep tips!
daylightsavings Chile springs
Daylight Savings 2010
Daylight Savings time

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