Friday, September 2, 2011

Red state - pictures


Red State: God's Lonely Man
A blood-soaked story of a rogue evangelical Christian sect and their self-appointed mission to punish the deviants and sinners (particularly those of the homosexual variety) in their midst, Red State isn't ... read more

Rick Perry's secret plan to save blue states from red states
But it would be a bad deal for most other red states. On average, citizens of states with strong Republican majorities get back more from the federal government than they pay in. Kentucky receives $1.51 from Washington for every dollar its citizens pay ... read more

Rick Perry's secret plan to save blue states from the red states
Where I disagree with the author is where he assumes that the red states even want whatever it is the federal government is offering them. Some examples of things red states might do better to opt out of would be: FDA and EPA regulation, Medicaid and ... read more


Red State Socialism
Red State - Blue State,
red states
When Red States
Just to repeat: Red states are
Red States, Blue States
Cartogram of red states and
Red state welfare queens.
New Red State Poster and Four
states (New Hampshire)

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