Thursday, September 11, 2008

bush doctrine


Bush Doctrine Keith Olbermann of The Bush Doctrine had made it clear EPIC FAIL In the interests of journalistic balance, I have two Epic Fails today: A Democrat and a Republican. First up, alleged Democrat James Carville, talking about a truly despicable McCain commercial which pretends that an Obama-supported initiative to protect kindergarteners from sexual predators is the same as sex-ed: And John McCain, deep down inside my heart, you know, as you know, I’ve said before I admire McCain. I don’t believe he knew about it. I hope somebody asked him. But I ref read
Palin doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is
The Bush DoctrineBush Doctrine BurlesquePalin doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is September 11th, 2008 By ELROD Forget the war with Russia quote. Yes, that was a terrifying - but clarifying - moment in that it revealed the utter folly of pushing NATO membership for Georgia or Ukraine. Smart politicians are never supposed to admit to a possible war with Russia, even if it’s technically possible. And her “perhaps so” comment is getting WIDE play already (front page on the Washington Post, for example). But far more troubling f read
Please wait, your request is processed… Palin’s ABC Interview: Stumped On Bush Doctrine, Seems To Contradict McCain On Pakistan (VIDEO)
bush, failure On September 20, 2002, Understanding the Bush DoctrineIt’s like watching a student answer a question they don’t know on a test by slapping down a bunch of bullshit hoping to at least get partial credit. She’s quick on her feet though. I hope Biden doesn’t underestimate her going into the debates. In her first major interview as the Republican vice presidential nominee, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was stumped when asked about the so-called “Bush Doctrine,” unable to answer whether she agreed with the six-year-old U.S. policy of military preemptio read
Sarah Palin Interview with ABC News’ Charlie Gibson
The failure of the Bush DoctrineLegacy of the Bush DoctrineHere is the video of the first part of the interview Sarah Palin gave to ABC News’ Charles Gibson today. The interview covered international issues ranging from NATO expansion to Mideast policy especially US-Israeli relations and tensions with Iran to Iraq to the Bush Doctrine. The interview also covered whether she was ready to be [...]’ read
Calamitous Gaffe
Bush-Doctrine_v111a4a4.jpg Bush Doctrine by J. Netter, I almost feel sorry for Sarah Palin. She had no idea what Bush Doctrine was. She seems to instinctively disagree with it, putting her at odds with McCain. But that really isn't the issue. She had no clue, and it wasn't that hard a question. This should be a calamitous gaffe. read

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