Monday, September 15, 2008

aig stock

Bad News & Good News On Wall Street

This stock lost $10 in two days.In 2008, AIGs stock has been almost The action on Wall Street is wild and woolly today.  Actually, it’s been that way all year long it seems.  But, this is particularly crazy.  The major stock indexes have fallen sharply today.  This was preceded by declines on the European exchanges before our markets opened.  Today’s market action was triggered by some wild scrambling (see The Mother of all Mondays) over the weekend as Wall Street executives and U.S. Treasury representatives met to figure out what to do with several troubled an read
Black Monday, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
On 16 Sept 07, even though AIG stock AIG stock analysisSo with all these “blue chip” (in reality irrationally arrogant) financial companies like Merrill Lynched, Lehman Bankrupters, AIG (Anonymous Incompetents Group), Shittygroup and Washington Massacred all in trouble in one way or another, the Dow hugging down 300 points on the day, financial website traffic booming and financial corporate drones of all low IQ numbers carrying boxes and walking around Wall St. aimlessly, you might think it’d be a rather exciting day for me. Exciting because my P read
AIG shirts sponsorship for Man Utd next to go?
Stock futures point to huge sell-off Get Another Free Stock QuoteAIG sponsorship of Man Utd in jeopardy AIG is in a financial mess and is asking the Feds to pony up a $40 billion loan to stave off credit agencies downgrading its stock which will bring it a step closer to bankruptcy or to the preferred takeover. With the Feds deciding against bailing out Lehman Brothers and leaving the company to file for bankruptcy, there is no sure bet that AIG's lifeline will be met. AIG lost 64% of its stock value today as it failed to give a plan to save its rating. read
Met Life | AIG | Mexico City Stock and Dow stock, AIG.アメリカ大手銀行倒産!金融大混乱! turmoil as top bank collapses (CNN) turmoilは、混乱とか騒動という意味 collapseはここでは自動詞で(組織等が)つぶれる アメリカの大手投資銀行リーマン・ ブラザーズ・ホールディングスが倒産してしまいました。 ここら辺が過当競争を生む現在の資本主義の終焉なのかもしれません。 あのメリルリンチもバンクオブアメリカに身売りです。 この合併まで第一位規模だったシティグループも結構やばそう。 アメリカン・インターナショナル・グループ(AIG)に至っては(数日中に)倒産という噂も。 日本で、アリコ保険とかアメリカンホーム保険とかTV宣伝してますけど、 大丈夫でしょうか。 それを受け、NY株急落下げ幅一時340ドル超。恐ろしや。 月曜日の株価は日本でも大暴落しそうですね。 Global markets were reeling Monday after a convulsive day on Wall Street that saw a leading U.S. inv read
AIGs stock price was hit yesterday I looked at AIG awhile back, Americans awoke today to the shocking news that two Wall Street banks have failed causing the stock market to tumble 300 points at the day’s open. Merrill Lynch, the largest brokerage force which was valued at $100 billion this year is selling itself to Bank of America for $50 billion. Lehman Bros., whose main customers are big financial institutions, is going into bankruptcy, liquidating its assets and winding down its trade operations. Why? Tens of billions of dollars in losses due to ba read

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