Sunday, August 31, 2008


See? On Gustav, Obama Really IS Just More of George W. Bush

Comment f snarky Image Gallery at Weblo. Pardon the snarky headline, but today I witnessed something which may well have me heading for the fainting couch. Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama actually came out with a decision which was completely in step with the choice made by President George W. Bush and I was nodding my head in agreement with both of them. President Bush announced today that not only would he not be at the convention on Monday as planned, but would not be in New Orleans either. Choosing to stay out of the read
Some Random Quick Thoughts
snarky ca.Snarky Puppy, The Only Constant, 1.) Ta-Nehisi is right- this whole pick is just bait. Speaking of mooseburgers, I have no idea what they taste like, but I just went grocery shopping to pick up some stuff to grill for the holiday, and the price of beef is now so prohibitive that buffalo meat is competitive. Why buy beef when you can eat the better tasting and leaner bison for just a slight bit more? I should probably check the farmers market to see how much locally raised beef is selling for now. 2.) Jindal is on CNN doing a read
Semiotics of Advertising
rocket-snarky rocket-snarkyWake up with SnarkyI have to admit I first relished this post for the snarky comments in the comments section, but it is asking a real question: what do (the designs of) these images say?  There are some savvy responses, including:Looking at these from a perspective as a documentary film maker, these two pictures fall into two very different photo/film traditions. Obama and Biden are staring off into a vista that the viewer [can't] turn to see hemselves; the idea is to project a shared journey into some presumabl read
Lost in Austen News Roundup: Jane Give Us Strength Edition
Filed under: Unprofessional Snarky .Her snarky remarks had half the room Lost in Austen News Roundup: Jane Give Us Strength Edition Filed under: Screen — Mags @ 1:22 pm Jane give us strength, because we actually have to do a bally news roundup about this thing. Zero hour approacheth, fellow Janeites, and we feel a disturbance in the Force. Alert Janeite Helen sent us a review from The Times, and it is hard to tell if it is unkind or if the reviewer is just being snarky. It is a truth universally acknowledged that any predictable drivel ever written about Jane A read
Huck and Mitt, Together Again
Beth Wernick 1158 26th St., #242 with snarky commentary) and a Elizabeth Holmes reports from O’Fallon, Mo. on the presidential race. Here’s something you don’t see every day: Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney climbing off the Straight Talk Express. The former rivals of John McCain joined the Republican presidential candidate and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, on the campaign bus that pulled into a rally here Sunday afternoon. Despite being passed over for the place on the GOP ticket, both Romney and Huckabee played the part of good foot soldiers read

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