Sunday, August 24, 2008

olympics closing ceremony

Beijing 2008 Olympic Closing Ceremony Video LIVE online

Image:Athens 2004 Olympics Closing The first Olympic games at Olympia ARrrrggggg…. as usual my kids have pwnd the TV and i have no choice but to watch the Beijing 2008 Olympic Closing Ceremony Video LIVE online. So much for being a blogger. Lucky i’m not covering the event. If not, all my readers are so gonna be disappointed. Are you watching the Beijing Olympics Closing [...] read
Closing Ceremony - 8pm
Image:Athens 2004 Olympics Closing  during the closing ceremony of Oh fuckking god. Astro you stupid bitch. Its the god damn Olympics, the fuckking closing ceremony. Why are there advertisements ? This isn’t like F1 where you can place adverts. This is fuckking not good. Because of you jokers, Serge will be torrenting the closing ceremony. You see, because of you… Serge is going to bootleg. © Serge Norguard for Dustyhawk :: Broken Mirror, 2008. | Permalink | No comment | Add to Post tags: anger, astro, hatred Feed enhanced by Better Feed fr read
Beijing bids farewell to Olympics
 Olympic Closing Ceremony1984 Olympics Closing CeremonyChina brings the curtain down on the 2008 Olympics as the closing ceremony gets under way at the Bird’s Nest Stadium. read
Rudy Fernandez of Spain
 closing ceremony that included aThe Olympic Cult-ureWho is Rudy Fernandez or Rudy Fernandes? I thought I knew this guy so well, because a famous Philippine celebrity who just died due to cancer is named Rudy Fernandez. It turns out this Rudy Fernandez who is a hot trend in the google searches today is a member of the Spain basketball game to the Beijing Olympics. Fernandez' team competed against the US for the Gold Medal in the Basketball in beijing China but was defeated with a score of 118-107 in favor of America. Final Scores: USA 118 ( read
A thought on the Olympics
 present at the closing ceremonyGolden Palace Makes Olympic Closing While I wait anxiously to see whether London’s contribution to the closing ceremony is horribly naff, here’s a thought: since the Games are so huge and expensive to host, perhaps the future would be to split them up between lots of different places. Embrace the technology of global communication. That way, countries that could never afford to host the whole thing could bid to host just one sport. For two weeks, there would always be some Olympic sport going on somewhere in the world; you’d be read

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