Monday, August 4, 2008

chicago tornado

bad weather heading my way

Tornadoes to affect the Chicago area  Chicago area; Tornado warning Going off line for a bit. Tornado warning in effect for my area. If everything turns out ok I'll be talking to you in a half hour. It appears to be a wide swath of bad weather cutting through the whole bloody area-- north of and south of Chicago. read
ONA Announces 2008 Journalism Awards (guess who made it?)
Chicago tornado tracks 1950-2004  close call with a tornado on our Here is the full list and each category. I have emphasized (in red) the particular category of interest to me;) ## 2008 Online Journalism Awards - Finalists CHICAGO, August 4, 2008 - Finalists for the 9th annual Online Journalism Awards, which honor excellence in digital journalism, were announced today by the Online News Association (ONA). A team of journalists, representing a diverse cross-section of the industry, judged the contest during a two-day event in Chicago, August 1-2. The winn read
Gusts to 100 mph in Michigan City Indiana!
 27 July 2006, Chicago, IL Chicago, the radio had tornado <—Severe weather outlooks for Day 1 (Tonight) and Day 2 (Tuesday) and two Severe T-Storm Watches for Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. The watch for the Chicago area and NW Indiana is a PDS Watch (Particularly Dangerous Situation!). An area of severe t-storms is moving through Northeast Ilinois. Gusts to 100 mph in Michigan City, Indiana with “extensive damage”. Gust to 94 mph at the Harrison water intake crib east of Chicago. Planes headed to Chicago are coming here to GRR to wa read
AUSTRIA, FUGA RADIOATTIVA LABORATORIO AIEA / Incidenti nucleari (alcuni poco noti)
 photo of tornado in ChicagoWhat is a tornado?VIENNA - Una leggera fuga di plutonio è avvenuta la notte scorsa in un laboratorio dell’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia atomica (Aiea) a Seibersdorf, vicino a Vienna, senza causare vittime. Lo ha reso noto oggi il ministero dell’ambiente austriaco. Né le persone né l’ambiente sono stati irradiati, ha assicurato il portavoce del ministero, Daniel Kapp, secondo il quale l’incidente “non ha messo in pericolo la popolazione” perché “le radiazioni sono rimaste nella zona di sicurezza” dell’imp read
August? Huh?
tornado, city of Orlando FLThe tornado went directly through Y’all? What happened? Where did July get its ass to? It finally got to be summer in freakin’ Michigan - hot, muggy, grass turning brown summer - and then I looked at the calendar. Shortman is going to start his Senior year of High School in 31 days. We went and had his senior portraits (I refuse to say Senior pictures when the basic package is more than my car payment) taken yesterday. The photographer was great - he put a reluctant, embarrassed 16-year-old at ease. So much so that Shortman as read

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