Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Obama Is the Nominee, and I Like It!

 unanimously and by acclamation a  a cat will acclamation badly is "No way, no how, no McCain."--Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton I've been on that "working my ass off" hamster wheel again, but at 6:50 pm, I was given reason to pause. The phone rang and my long time friend, BT, aka boy toy, was on the line. Having just walked into the house, I was a little less than focused, and had to ask him to repeat his enthused statement. "The black guy is officially the nominee!" BT has known me for a long time, so he knew that he had to give me a few seconds for hi read
It’s Official: Barack Obama Is the First African-American Presidential Nominee
Acclamation Conformationacclaim, acclamation, plaudit It’s Official: Barack Obama Is the First African-American Presidential Nominee Created: August 27th, 2008 | Written By: Kathy Thank you, Hillary Clinton: Although there was some suspense over how the nomination process would play out, in the end, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton released her delegates before the roll call to vote for Mr. Obama and announced that she was voting for Mr. Obama and his running mate, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware. At the urging of Mrs. Clinton, the New Y read
Hanlon’s Theatre: Clinton interrupts roll call vote
Acclamation!NewsJust when you thought Hillary Clinton had topped out on class, she actually stops the roll call vote midstream and calls for Senator Obama to be declared the nominee by acclamation. To quote Will (albeit with fewer expletives), this takes the wind out of the right wing’s sails a full day or two; they pretty much have no choice but to actually cover the convention now. read
 members of Acclamation perform Acclamation Bar \x26amp; Grill - MenusOnly. BY ACCLAMATION… 2041 by Jeff Hess Posted in Election 2008, Video | No Comments » 27 August 2008 read
A Hopeful History
 Acclamation Realisation Giclee Music: Acclamation A CongregationDNC 2008: Official Nomination of Barack Obama copyright ? 2008 Betsy L. Angert What does one say when, by acclamation, a man whose background and experience may be more American than most who have been nominated to be the Presidential candidate , is chosen to represent the his Party? How might one find words for this moment? Overwhelmed with feelings, does a n individual shout, Hooray? Through the tears of jot, might we exclaim, "This is incredible!" Can we communicate the sensation. read

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