Monday, July 14, 2008


visitor 1,000,000

Tantalus Clipart.comAlas, wretched Tantalus, in the visitor 1,000,000 If you're visitor number 1 million, say something. dispatched by Tantalus at some point on 14.7.08 1 people wanna rant too read
Tantalus was the son of Zeus and was DOWNLOAD: Scarica Tantalus.parallels Hi, my name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruiz y Picasso. But you can call me Picasso. Hi, my name is "البطريرك الماروني لانطاكية وسائر المشرق الكاردينال مار نصرالله بطرس صفير" but you can call me Sfeir. dispatched by Tantalus read
the blind leading the blind
Tantalus Torment, 1731where a spirit holds Tantalus backthe blind leading the blind "Lebanon can be revived if the people know how to act and accept each other," Patriarch Sfeir said. How the hell are Lebanese people supposed to know how to act? Are they meant to learn from their leaders? dispatched by Tantalus read
Images of Tantalus Tantalus, Sisyphus, and Ixionuntitled Tourism Minister Elie Marouni to the Voice of Lebanon radio station: We hope that talk about the establishment of diplomatic relations between Lebanon and Syria is serious. The issue of the Lebanese detainees in Syrian prisons will be our first priority. The Kataeb party will meet today to discuss the government’s plan of action, and we demand that there be a strong and capable state that holds the weapons, not a state-within-a-state. Yes. You read it right. The Kataeb party will m read
harsh words
 The Tantalus - ca 1888.RSC flyer for TANTALUS tour of UKharsh words Suleiman for Military Force to Liberate Shebaa if Diplomatic Efforts Fail. What a perfect display of "bravado" by the former general. ---------- Merkel to Assad: It is time to join words with deeds. Assad to Merkel: Like Lego? Merkel to Assad: No; like matrimony, asshole! dispatched by Tantalus read

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