Monday, July 21, 2008

radovan karadzic

Detenido el ex presidente serbobosnio Radovan Karadzic

 crimes fugitive Radovan Karadzic Radovan Karadzic in Moscow on 3 El ex presidente serbobosnio era uno de los hombres más buscados en el mundo, acusado de genocidio por el cerco sobre Sarajevo que acabó con la vida de 12.000 personas y por la masacre de Srebrenica, la peor atrocidad desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Radovan Karadzic, de 63 años, fue capturado anoche por la policía serbia, según anunció el Gobierno serbio y fuentes judiciales serbias. Un comunicado emitido por el Ejecutivo del presidente Borís Tadic asegura que "Karadzic ha sido localizado y read
FACTBOX: U.N. court readies for Radovan Karadzic
Ovo je realnoRADOVAN KARADZIC(Reuters) - Bosnian Serb wartime president Radovan Karadzic, one of the world's most wanted men for planning and ordering genocide in the 1992-95 Bosnia war, was arrested on Monday after 11 years on the run. read
Radovan Karadzic Captured
 Radovan Karadzic, actualmente en  Radovan Karad�ić at the helm, According to news reports the Bosnian Serb fugative Radovan Karadzic has been captured and will end up standing trial for war crimes. At one time I linked to the blog Finding Karadzic which followed the search. I checked it for news but it hasn't been updated since October. At any rate it's great news that he has been captured. Update : Finding Karadzic has been updated with news of his capture. read
What’s Going On - Evening Edition of News Round Up
 contra Radovan Karadzic,  wartime leader Radovan Karadzic, Nothing is safe. Tomatoes. Lettuce. Now, Jalapeños have salmonella. What’s next - Air? Oh, right, most of the air that we breathe in our major cities is toxic. I forgot. Obama is kicking butt and talking the talk in Iraq. I hope that all of those folks that were whining about Obama’s commitment to withdrawal are now eating crow. Please notice the silence from the Right as they try to formulate a plan to stay in Iraq for several more months/years/decades. In NFL news, all-World defensive end Jas read
Bosnian Serb wartime president Radovan Karadzic arrested
CRNOGORSKA POLICIJA PROČE�LJALA Radovan Karadzic is wanted by BELGRADE - Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, accused architect of massacres making him one of the world’s top war crimes fugitives, was arrested Monday evening in a sweep by Serbian security forces, the country’s president and the U.N. tribunal said. Karadzic is suspected of masterminding mass killings that the U.N. war crimes tribunal described as “scenes from hell, written on the darkest pages of human history.” The killings include the 1995 massacre of 8,000 Muslims in Srebreni read

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