Wednesday, July 16, 2008

mediterranean diet

Hunger Makes You Happy, Relaxed and Focused

Secrets of � the Mediterranean Dietmediterranean diet Food PyramidResearchers have shown that hunger causes the body to increase the production of a hormone called ghrelin. read
Mediterranean Diet Research Deeply Flawed
Food in the Mediterranean diet: The Mediterranean Diet Offers Clear A new study published in the British Medical Journal reports that the Mediterranean diet "helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 83 percent." The research uses a flawed "Mediterranean Diet Scale" developed a few years ago to determine just how "Mediterranean" a person's diet is. It's a nine-point scale, and test subjects get a point for each aspect of their diet that falls within range. For example, a male who eats a certain quantity of fruit per week gets a fruit point. I read
Unrestricted Low-Carb Diet Wins Hands Down
mediterranean diet traditional Mediterranean diet, Dig In The New England Journal of Medicine has just come out with perhaps the most definitive comparison of low-fat, Mediterranean and low-carb diets ever, and the findings dovetail very nicely with what we’ve been discussing here recently about the merits of the Primal Blueprint. I think it also addresses some of the concerns shared about the so-called “restrictiveness” of my PB plan. This study looked at over 300 people who followed their assigned diets strictly for two years, making this read
Study: Mediterranean, low-carb dieters shed pounds faster
Based on the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet isn�t just Study: Mediterranean, low-carb dieters shed pounds faster by Angela Stewart/The Star-Ledger Wednesday July 16, 2008, 7:57 PM A two-year study has found that those on Mediterranean or low-carb diets, such as Atkins, lose more weight than those who go low-fat, and with no ill effects. The study, which appears in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, involved 322 moderately obese people, the majority of whom were men. It found that the median weight loss of 10.3 pounds for those on a low-c read
The Flat Belly Diet
The Mediterranean diet pyramid of the Mediterranean diet.I’ve been journeying toward health with the help of the Mediterranean style of nutrition for about 16 months now. I’ve lost a lot of weight but still have a lot to lose. I’ve been convinced time and time again by studies and reviews that the Mediterranean style of eating is by far the most healthy nutritional lifestyle out there. It’s also one that I’ve enjoyed making my own. I love the way I eat now. I love that I’ve said goodbye to a lot of the processed, chemical laden foods of the past and read

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