Monday, July 7, 2008


What Your Fingernails Say About Your Health - Part 1

 is called the eponychium and the  is called the eponychium and the Might as well say a little more before I start, since this page contains quite a lot of pictures, and readers with super-speedy lines like mine (64kbps FTW) need time to load them. Firstly, if you had googled about why your fingernails look the way they do, or how your fingernails hint about your health : congrats, you have come to the right place. This is only a blog, but an informative and healthy one, so do leave me a message at the chatbox (look to your left - ~Chat With Me~) if you lik read
Fungal Toenail Infection
Eponychium is the anatomical term Eponychium is the visible part of Fungal Toenail Infection toe nail fungal infection A nail fungal infection may begin as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the nail fungus spreads deeper into your nail,. A fingernail or toenail infection that is caused by a fungus is called onychomycosis (say: andquot;on-ee-koh-my-ko-sisandquot;). Toenails are more likely to become. This site provides a complete overview of toe nail fungal infection and. How to get rid of severe toe nail fungus and kill fing read
 nail plate, eponychium (cuticle) forward growth of the eponychium Ноготь (unguis) представляет собой роговую пластинку, покрывающую тыльную поверхность дистальной фаланги пальцев. Участок кожи, на котором располагается эта пластинка, носит название ложе ногтя. Сзади и с боков тело ногтя прикрыто кожными складками, так называемыми валиками ногтя Валик ногтя, дугообразно покрывая проксимальную часть ногтя, образует тонкую роговую пластинку эпидермиса — надногтевую пластинку (eponychium). Свободный край ногтя (margo liber) выступает вперед. Самая задняя часть но read
Fungal Toe Nail Infection: Foot Problem
 obliteration of the eponychium,  of the fold is eponychium (E).Fungal Toe Nail Infection: Foot Problem toe fungal infection Fungal Infections of Fingernails and Toenails -- Nail fungus - Toenail Fungal Infection. Finger - Toenail Fungus Treatment Reviews, Nail Fungus Information .. ZetaClear Review: Toe and Finger Nail Fungus Treatment Solution. InteliHealth:. Home Remedy For Toe Nail Fungus - Toenail Fungal Infection Cure .. Toe Nail Fungus Information - Causes Of Toenail Fungal Infection .. Go Ask Alice!: Toenail Fungus. read
Nail Fungus
 of a finger eponychium  in Foot Fingers Eponychium The infection by nail fungus of fingernails, toenails or “yeast” is known as Onychomycosis. But don’t despair – there is a good nail fungus treatment for you to overcome the problem. If you wear shoes and socks for extended periods, your toenails are more likely to get infected than fingernails. Toenail fungus usually enters via the eponychium or the lateral nail folds. The infection may lead to nails thickening and changes in color and texture. You may also feel some pain in your finger tip read

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