Monday, May 12, 2008


Verliert Google seinen Glanz?

 Ooyala had won the competition.ooyala - High-Quality VideoVerliert Google seinen Glanz? Google gilt als der Top-Arbeitgeber. Regelmäßig kürt das amerikanische Forbes-Magazin das Unternehmen und für die Beliebtheit gibt es bekannte Gründe: Die Mitarbeiter genießen Freiheiten, können ihre Kreativität austoben und haben viele Vergünstigungen. Zudem ist Googleplex ein einziger Freizeitpark mit Swimmingpools, Rutschen, einem Volleyballplatz, Entspannungsräume - Friseur und Kindergarten inklusive. Allein 15 Restaurants sorgen für das leibliche Wohl - das Es read
5 reasons to work for Google and 5 reasons to leave
� Ooyala LogoOoyala soft launches Backlot, Wow! Great post from guest blogger - Tawny Labrum of BINC: Professional Search for the Software Marketplace.  (Click here to check out their blog.) Enjoy… *** Climbing Mount Everest, Ballooning around the world, getting a Google employee to leave….They’re all pretty similar in my mind….While being a BINC Research Associate surely has its perks, nothing truly puts a smile on my face like the “call as many Google people as you can” days. Ah yes, the true love of getting hung up on, yelled at, i read
Where have all the Googlers gone?
 Ooyala offers stock options,  within the Ooyala Video Player.Would you like to recruit Google employees, but not getting much luck? You may have better luck with ex-Googlers? Not sure where to find them. Here are a few clues to help you out. Gokul Rajaram, the “Godfather of AdSense,” is working on a stealth startup. Louis Monier, Anna Patterson, Russell Power are working on a search service called Cuill (pronounced “cool”) — it’s said to index the web more economically than Google. Uses a web crawler called “twiceler.” Jason Liebman, Sanjay Raman and Da read
Can Google Stop the Brain Drain?
 though, and Ooyala takes this to Ooyala: Video Start-up in Stealth It takes more than an army of trained chefs and free lunch to keep Googlers happy. As a new wave of web darlings (such as Facebook) beef up recruiting efforts, high-level Googlers are blowing the joint. Sheryl Sandberg, Ethan Beard (right) and Justin Rosenstein are just a few big name defectors -- and recruiters say there is little Google can do to stop the exodus. "Googlers may as well have targets on their foreheads," says Eric Jaquith, an Atlanta-based recruiter who has done some contract read
Around the web - March 22, 2008
Ryan Stewart: Ooyala soft launches Ooyala is built on top of AWS� Another weekly roundup. This last week was spent at the Society of Toxicology meeting here in Seattle, but did manage to find some juicy titbits for the weekly roundup Linkfest Via ReadWriteWeb, we heard about the Under the Radar Conference. The following participating companies caught my eye: Some familiar ones (all of which I use in some way or another) Eyejot Slideshare Tripit Blist and some new ones. It’s interesting that the ones that really catch my eye are not exactly on the consume read

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