Tuesday, April 8, 2008

michael monsoor


Michael Monsoor Must WaitMichael Monsoor Must WaitPlease take a moment and always remember. Never forget. 25-year-old Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor awarded... read
Petty Officer Michael A. Monsoor
 to Navy SEAL Michael MonsoorNavy Seal Hero (Michael Monsoor)�To a true American Hero, Rest in Peace and may God bless and take care of you and your family. Your sacrifice will never be forgotten. ~ Wild Thing NAVY MA2 MICHAEL A. MONSOOR 080403-N-xxxxX-002 - In an undated file photo provided by the U.S. Navy, Master-At-Arms 2nd Class (SEAL) Michael A. Monsoor participates in a patrol in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Monsoor has been awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for diving onto a grenade to save his teammates in Ar R read
Bush Gives a Medal of Honor
 Class Michael Monsoor, center, Now we learn Michael A. Monsoor was I have been glued to the teevee today watching the lengthy hearings (lots of video will follow shortly) before the Senate Armed Services Committee and now the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In between segments, I switched to MSNBC because CSPAN stopped covering the hearings and I do not have access to CSPAN3. There was a Medal of Honor ceremony at the White House today to honor Michael Monsoor who died for this country. Since Bush is president, that means he has to be there. During the MS read
Bush gives Medal of Honor to Navy SEAL
USWarWatch.org - Peacemakers be Michael Monsoor, 25Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor had fast thinking to do when a live grenade came out of nowhere to bounce off his chest: Take the clear path to safety that he had but his comrades didn't, try to toss it safely away, or throw himself on top of it. read
A True Hero
 Class Michael Monsoor, center,  Class (SEAL) Michael A. Monsoor, To borrow a phrase from Matt at Blackfive, Michael Mansoor is someone you should know. Since you won't hear about him from our MSM, I will intrduce you, or rather Matt will if you follow the link in the title. PO2 (SEAL) Michael Monsoor was posthumously awarded the Medal Of Honor today. Our media chose to ignore it. But that's not quite true, the NYT ran a 78 word story that they had to correct because they got his rank and the number of MOH recipients since 9-11 wrong. This is the same paper th read

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