Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Martial law uk - news and photos


Martial Law UK: Fact Or Another Conspiracy Theory?
A state of Martial Law in the UK? Or just another piece of twisted conspiracy theory? Well that would really depend on how you want to consider the ... read more

Martial law anniversary
Marking the anniversary of the imposition of martial law on December 13, 1981 by the erstwhile communist regime POLSKA THE TIMES has an interview with ... read more

UK right to reject Breaker Morant review
And no soldier today is tried under the 1899 Manual of Military Law. The UK secretary of defence might have spoken curtly when rejecting Unkles' petition. ... read more


Martial Law - Coming to a UK
Martial Law - Coming to a UK
Martial Law in US and UK
George Clinton - Martial Law
swine flu martial law UK
crowd swine
and martial law in Germany.
Martial Law   just do what the
to declare martial law
all children in the UK,

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