Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sunday Talk - This Week in McCain Flip-Flops

PlumpyNut the wonder foodPlumpynutThe most under-reported story of the campaign continues to be McSame flip-flopping on every issue that come out of his mouth. Drilling offshore, tax cuts, immigration reform. No issue is too wide for McSame to wrap his arms around every side of it. Full Lineup and other goodies below... THE LINEUP - Meet The Press: Brian Williams hosts. Hopefully not for long. Joe Biden (D-BULLSHIT!), Huckleberry Graham (R-McSame). Very Serious Discourse John Harwood and Andrea Mitchell. Tweety: Jim read
Playing Politics to the Nth Degree
 consider supporting PlumpyNut Plumpynut resting at home, Now that Obama is the "presumptive nominee" the focus has switched from Obama & Clinton to Obama & McCain. They have several more months to torture us with their political games. Speaking of games, four years ago when Kerry was running against Bush I guy created a computer software game based on the election. Here is Anderson Cooper's interpretation of what the game would have been like in this June 2004 Nth entitled "Playing Politics to the Nth Degree". Tonight, playing politics read
[IMG Daily Kos]
 con il Plumpynut in NigerplumpynutSUBSCRIBE! If you use ad blocking software while viewing Daily Kos, you're getting all the benefits of our site but we're not getting any of the advertisement revenue associated with your visits. This site relies on ad revenue for daily operations: a decrease in the number of ads seen means a decrease in the funding available to run the site, to pay those that work on it, and to create improved site features. We won't stop you from using ad blocking software, but if you do use it we ask you t read
Sprinkles in Haiti: Fortifying Food, Protecting Kids
Plumpynut - A Tool for MalnutritionPlumpynut.jpg. August 8, 2005Sprinkles in Haiti: Fortifying Food, Protecting Kids By Bryan Schaaf on Wednesday, June 11, 2008. see more topics in: Fortification Health Hunger Micronutrient Deficiencies Nutrition Sprinkles Malnutrition is a major problem throughout the developing world including Haiti.  It saps the immune system, making it easier to get sick with and die from an infectious disease.  It slows cognitive development reducing the contributions a person can make to his or her country.  After years of business read
PlumpyNut New NutritionPlumpyNut “You’ve probably never heard a good news story about malnutrition, but you’re about to. Every year, malnutrition kills five million children — that’s one child every six seconds. But now, the Nobel Prize-winning relief group “Doctors Without Borders” says it finally has something that can save millions of these children.” Something to hope for, awareness and research really can help. How far a dollar can really go. Many people, some who are even close friends of mine will start to watch read

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