A Request From FEDAME To Place The Following Post On The Websites Of Mind Control/Organized Stalking Victims Across The Internet

If you're a target of government sanctioned (or other) mind control as well as the crime of organized stalking, please post the following E-mail on your Website to stand in solidarity against those Nazi's who are harboring themselves within our respective governments, and using this technology to both torture and murder targeted individuals (TI's) around the world. The US Intelligence community is one of the prime culprits here, which is why those of us who are exposing them are being attacked
read Wanda Jean Criminal

Many criminals have been executed since 1977 and one among them was Wanda Jean Allen. She was the sixth woman to be executed since 1977. Her date of execution is 11th January 2001.
read 2008, 4/11金 ポピュラー名曲アルバム:カントリー・クラシックス〜女性ボーカル集 Fri Apr 11,2008

2008, 4/11金 ポピュラー名曲アルバム:カントリー・クラシックス〜女性ボーカル集 Fri Apr 11,2008 2008/04/11(金) 2:00〜3:00JST NHK Radio Program: "RADIO SHINNYABIN" ラジオ深夜便 ロマンチックコンサート Romantic concert アンカー Anchor 松本一路(Matsumoto-Ichiro)さん ♪曲目 playlist♪ Take Me Home, Country Roads(カントリー・ロード:故郷へ帰りたい) Loretta Lynn(ロレッタ・リン) written by John Denver/Bill Danoff/Taffy Nivert (1971) I Want to Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart(カウボーイの恋人になりたいの) Rosalie Allen(ロザリー・アレン) written by Patsy Montana 1946 It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels(ホンキ
read Wanda Jean Allen Charged With Murder

Wanda Jean Allen who was born on August 17, 1959 was sentenced to death in 1988. She was convicted for the murder of Gloria Jean Leathers. Wanda Allen execution remains an important date in the history of American judiciary because she was the first black woman to be executed in the United States since 1954. She is also the sixth woman to be executed since death penalty was resumed in 1977.
read Classifica Film: Stagione 1988/89

I mefitici Anni '80 volgono al termine e, sarà un caso, ma la qualità dei film che ritroviamo al box office dà qualche cenno di miglioramento. Ad iniziare dal vincitore della stagione, Chi ha incastrato Roger Rabbit, originale e gustosa contaminazione tra personaggi in carne ed ossa e cartoni, con una strepitosa esibizione di Jessica Rabbit in "Why don't you do right" (cantata da Amy Irving) e continuando con Un pesce di nome Wanda, riuscitissma commediola con venature gialle. E' la stagione anc
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